Registration will close on February 23rd. We're looking forward to seeing old and new friends on the fields in April!
Check out the FAQ section if you have questions and email Amanda Walker for any questions:
Dick's Sporting Goods Appreciation Weekend
March 14-17
Northside Baseball League will have a unique coupon for 20% ENTIRE PURCHASE. Valid only on the dates listed above.
We plan to partner with one or more restaurants at 5th Street Station that weekend for family night(s). Stay tuned for more information!
Northside uses SportsEngine for all communications. After you register your player, please download this app to your device!
For instructions on how to download the app, click here:
Use the messages and chat features to communicate with your coach and teammates. View your team's upcoming practice and game schedules. Hear about cancellations or other important updates.
Importantly, with as much advanced notice as possible, please use the RSVP feature on your app to let the coach your player will be attending or missing a practice or game. This is helpful because coaches must plan ahead for games where they are short the required # of players and at the upper divisions they need to set their lineups ahead of time. To access this feature on your app, click on schedule, click on the specific game date, click on the RSVP tab, and select yes, no, or maybe in regard to your player's attendance.
Also, if you would like for more than one parent to have access to your player's team schedule on the app, please try the following: Have the person who registered the player log on to Sports Engine, then in the top right-hand corner go to settings and click on manage your household profile. Add a second (or third) adult as a 'guardian' for your player and once they accept the invitation, they will also have access!
Northside is a 100% volunteer-run league - we would not be successful without the help of families and community members! Each Northside Family is required to meet a minimum volunteer commitment of 2 hours.
Northside offers many opportunities to volunteer:
Are you interested in becoming more involved at Northside? If so, attend a board meeting to learn more! The board meets throughout the year, the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Comfort Inn & Suites behind Target. We welcome help in any capacity!
All other volunteer questions can be directed to Kellie Keyser:
We are fortunate to have the support of many local businesses. Their contributions allow us to keep fees reasonable, provide scholarships, serve more of the community, and purchase much needed equipment. Please visit these businesses to show your appreciation for supporting Northside!
Is your business or a business you know of interested in becoming a 2025 Northside sponsor – email to get information on our Tiered Sponsorship Levels for 2025.
Developing a strong community by teaching baseball fundamentals and life skills; helping kids improve as players, work as a team, and grow as individuals.
Click here for more information on our mission, goals, and expectations.
All Baker Butler and Hollymead fields are OPEN for practices and games. (last updated 10/10/24 @ 8:00 am)
Northside is chartered with Babe Ruth League and fields teams playing in Cal Ripken Baseball. Our geographical boundaries span nearly all public & private schools located in central to northern Albemarle County, Virginia including the following public elementary school zones: Agnor Hurt, Baker Butler, Stony Point, Hollymead, Broadus Wood, Woodbrook, Stone Robinson, Mountain View, and Greer Elementary Schools, along with any of the middle schools in this elementary school feeder pattern.
T-ball: age 4-6
Baseball teams are fielded for ages 6-12 : Rookie (Machine Pitch 6-8), Minors (9-10 Kid Pitch), Majors (11-12)
Softball is no longer offered at Northside
Monthly BoD meetings are held at 7pm on the second Tuesday of the month throughout the year. The meetings are graciously hosted by Comfort Inn and Suites Charlottesville and held in their meeting room.
Interested in becoming a sponsor of Northside Baseball
Click on sponsors page here!